Tips for Finding Mesothelioma Treatment With the VA

3 Easy Tricks for Locating Mesothelioma Treatment Facilities Within the VA
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer caused by a history of asbestos exposure. Moreover, in the U.S., veterans make up a large percentage of those affected by the disease. As such, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) set up several resources to care for military vets with mesothelioma.
Any veteran diagnosed with an asbestos-caused disease can file for health benefits and disability compensation from the VA. In many cases, VA-provided benefits extend to family members too.
Additionally, patients and caregivers receiving VA asbestos benefits can use the following tips to make finding cancer treatment easier within the VA health system.
1. Consider Your Options at VA Hospitals
The VA knows about the risk of asbestos-related disease among its veterans. Consequently, the federal agency has multiple locations across the country that specialize in treating mesotheliomas and other related illnesses. The VA’s major mesothelioma treatment centers include:
- Atlanta VA Healthcare System
- Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston, Texas
- VA Boston Healthcare System
- West Los Angeles VA Medical Center
At these facilities, patients can expect to receive a full continuum of cancer care. Then, doctors will diagnose your specific type of mesothelioma and discuss your range of treatment options. Treatment centers that specialize in mesothelioma can offer treatments like:
- Cardiothoracic surgery
- Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC)
- Immunotherapy (such as CAR T-cell therapy)
- Targeted therapies for asbestos-caused diseases
Locate a VA treatment center near you. Also, don’t forget about your VA-provided travel reimbursement options.
2. Remember Your Community Care Resources
If the VA is not able to provide treatment, or in cases where treatment is too far for the vet to travel, community care options are available. Moreover, like other types of health insurance, a copay may be required.
Types of community care paid for by the VA include:
- Emergency care
- Flu shots
- Foreign medical care
- Home, health, and hospice care
- Indian health services
- General care
- State veterans homes
- Urgent care for non-life-threatening illnesses and injury
3. Contact Your VA Health Coordinator With Questions
The VA does its best to answer questions whenever vets or their families have them. Adding to that, some of the hotlines for VA help are 24/7, while others operate between Monday and Friday, from 8 AM to 9 PM EST.
- Call this number if you have questions about your mesothelioma benefits: 800-827-1000
- Call this number with questions about your VA health coverage: 877-222-8387
- Find a VA Center near you to talk to someone in person about your benefits and/or treatment.